Greco A, Siegel M (2024) A spatiotemporal style transfer algorithm for dynamic visual stimulus generation. Nature Computational Science doi:10.1038/s43588-024-00746-w
Greco A, Moser J, Preissl H, Siegel M (2024) Predictive learning shapes the representational geometry of the human brain. Nature Communications 15:9670
Quinn KR, Sandhaeger F, Noury N, Žeželić E, Siegel M (2024) Abstract choice representations during stable choice-response associations. bioRxiv
Noury N, Marquetand J, Hartwig S, Middelmann T, Broser P, Siegel M (2024) Detecting single motor-unit activity in magnetomyography. bioRxiv
von Nicolai C, Siegel M (2024) Cortico-subcortical dynamics in primate working memory. bioRxiv
Giehl J, Siegel M (2024) Spectral waveform analysis dissociates human cortical alpha rhythms. bioRxiv
Zhang XY, Lin H, Deng Z, Siegel M, Miller EK, Yan G (2024) Decoding region-level visual functions from invasive EEG data. bioRxiv
Zhang XY, Bobadilla-Suarez S, Luo X, Lemonari M, Brincat SL, Siegel M, Miller EK, Love BC (2023) Adaptive stretching of representations across brain regions and deep learning model layers. bioRxiv
Greco A, Baek S, Middelmann T, Mehring C, Braun C, Marquetand J, Siegel M (2023) Discrimination of finger movements by magnetomyography with optically pumped magnetometers. Scientific Reports 13(1):22157
Sandhaeger F, Omejc N, Pape AA, Siegel M (2023) Abstract perceptual choice signals during action-linked decisions in the human brain. PLoS Biology 21(10):e3002324
Sandhaeger F, Siegel M (2023) Testing the generalization of neural representations. Neuroimage 278:120258
Voigtlaender VA, Sandhaeger F, Hawellek DJ, Hage SR, Siegel M (2023) Neural representations of the content and production of human vocalization. PNAS 123(23):e2219310120
Siems M, Siegel M (2022) Multistage classification identifies altered cortical phase- and amplitude-coupling in Multiple Sclerosis. Neuroimage 119752
Semeia L, Middelmann T, Baek S, Sometti D, Chen H, Grimm A, Lerche H, Martin P, Kronlage C, Braun C, Broser P, Siegel M, Breu MS, Marquetand J (2022) Optically pumped magnetometers detect altered maximal muscle activity in neuromuscular disease. Front Neurosci 16()
Radetz A, Siegel M (2022) Spectral Fingerprints of Cortical Neuromodulation. Journal of Neuroscience 42(18): 3836–3846
Marquetand J, Middelmann T, Dax J, Baek S, Sometti D, Grimm A, Lerche H, Martin P, Kronlage C, Siegel M, Braun C, Broser P (2021) Optically pumped magnetometers reveal fasciculations non-invasively. Clin Neurophysiol 132(10): 2681-2684
Ibarra Chaoul A, Siegel M (2021) Cortical correlation structure of aperiodic neuronal population activity. Neuroimage 245:118672
Pellegrini F, Hawellek DJ, Pape AA, Hipp JF, Siegel M (2021) Motion Coherence and Luminance Contrast Interact in Driving Visual Gamma-Band Activity. Cerebral Cortex 31: 1622–1631
Giehl J, Noury N, Siegel M (2021) Dissociating harmonic and non-harmonic phase-amplitude coupling in the human brain. Neuroimage 227:117648
Ito T, Brincat SL, Siegel M, Mill RD, He BJ, Miller EK, Rotstein HG, Cole MW (2020) Task-evoked activity quenches neural correlations and variability across cortical areas. PLoS Computational Biology Epub Aug 3
Siems M, Siegel M (2020) Dissociated neuronal phase- and amplitude-coupling patterns in the human brain. Neuroimage 209:116538
Pinotsis DA, Siegel M, Miller EK (2019) Sensory Processing and Categorization in Cortical and Deep Neural Networks. Neuroimage 202: 116118
Trainito C, von Nicolai C, Miller EK, Siegel M (2019) Extracellular spike waveform dissociates four functionally distinct cell classes in primate cortex. Current Biology 29
Sandhaeger F, von Nicolai C, Miller EK, Siegel M (2019) Monkey EEG links neuronal color and motion information across species and scales. eLife 8:e45645
Supp GG, Higgen FL, Hipp JF, Engel AK, Siegel M (2018) Mid-latency auditory evoked potentials differentially predict sedation and drug level under opioid and hypnotic agents. Frontiers in Pharmacology 9(1):1427
Brincat SL*, Siegel M*, von Nicolai C, Miller EK (*co-first authors) (2018) Gradual progression from sensory to task-related processing in cerebral cortex. PNAS 115(30):E7202-E7211
Pesaran B, Vinck M, Einevoll GT, Sirota A, Fries P, Siegel M, Truccolo W, Schroeder CE and Srinivasan R (2018) Investigating large-scale brain dynamics using field potential recordings: analysis and interpretation. Nature Neuroscience (7):903-919
Noury N and Siegel M (2018) Analyzing EEG and MEG signals recorded during tES, a reply. Neuroimage 167: 53-61
Pape AA, Noury N and Siegel M (2017) Motor actions influence subsequent sensorimotor decisions. Scientific Reports 7(1):15913
Noury N and Siegel M (2017) Phase properties of transcranial electrical stimulation artifacts in electrophysiological recordings. Neuroimage 158: 406-416
Müsch K, Siegel M, Engel AK and Schneider TR (2017) Gamma-band activity reflects attentional guidance by facial expression. Neuroimage 146: 1142-1148
Pape AA and Siegel M (2016) Motor cortex activity predicts response alternation during sensorimotor decisions. Nature Communications 7:13098
Noury N, Hipp JF and Siegel M (2016) Physiological processes non-linearly affect electrophysiological recordings during transcranial electric stimulation. Neuroimage 140: 99-109
Frey JN, Ruhnau P, Leske S, Siegel M, Braun C, Weisz N (2016) The Tactile Window to Consciousness is Characterized by Frequency-Specific Integration and Segregation of the Primary Somatosensory Cortex. Scientific Reports 6, 20805
Siems M, Pape AA, Hipp JF, Siegel M (2016) Measuring the cortical correlation structure of spontaneous oscillatory activity with EEG and MEG. Neuroimage 129: 345-355
Grosse-Wentrup M, Janzing D, Siegel M, Schölkopf B (2016) Identification of causal relations in neuroimaging data with latent confounders: An instrumental variable approach. Neuroimage 125: 825-833
Peiker I, Schneider TR, Milne E, Schöttle D, Vogeley K, Münchau A, Schunke O, Siegel M, Engel AK, David N (2015) Stronger neural modulation by visual motion intensity in autism spectrum disorders. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0132531
Siegel M, Buschman TJ and Miller EK (2015) Cortical Information Flow During Flexible Sensorimotor Decisions. Science 348(6241): 1352-55
Research Highlight: Carr F (2015) Decision making: Flow charting. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 16(8): 444
Hipp JF and Siegel M (2015) BOLD fMRI Correlation Reflects Frequency-Specific Neuronal Correlation. Current Biology 25, 1368-1374
Hipp JF and Siegel M (2015) Accounting for Linear Transformations of EEG and MEG Data in Source Analysis. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0121048
von Nicolai C, Engler G, Sharott A, Engel AK, Moll CK and Siegel M (2014) Corticostriatal Coordination through Coherent Phase-Amplitude Coupling. Journal of Neuroscience 34: 5938-5948
David N, Schultz J, Milne E, Schunke O, Schöttle D, Münchau A, Siegel M, Vogeley K and Engel AK (2014) Right Temporoparietal Gray Matter Predicts Accuracy of Social Perception in the Autism Spectrum. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 44:1433-46
Hawellek DJ, Schepers IM, Roeder B, Engel AK, Siegel M* and Hipp JF* (*shared senior authorship) (2013) Altered Intrinsic Neuronal Interactions in the Visual Cortex of the Blind. Journal of Neuroscience 33: 17072-17080
Hipp JF and Siegel M (2013) Dissociating neuronal gamma-band activity from cranial and ocular muscle activity in EEG. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7:1-11
Hipp JF, Hawellek DJ, Corbetta M, Siegel M and Engel AK (2012) Large-scale cortical correlation structure of spontaneous oscillatory activity. Nature Neuroscience 15:884-890
Siegel M, Donner TH and Engel AK (2012) Spectral fingerprints of large-scale neuronal interactions. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 13:121-134
Supp GG, Siegel M, Hipp JF and Engel AK (2011) Cortical hypersynchrony predicts breakdown of sensory processing during loss of consciousness. Current Biology 21:1988-1993
Buschman TJ, Siegel M, Roy JE and Miller EK (2011) Neural substrates of cognitive capacity limitations. PNAS 108(27): 11252-11255
Donner TH and Siegel M (2011) A framework for local cortical oscillation patterns. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15(5): 191-199
Siegel M, Engel AK and Donner TH (2011). Cortical Network Dynamics of Perceptual Decision-Making in the Human Brain. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 5:21
Hipp JF, Engel AK and Siegel M (2011) Oscillatory Synchronization in Large-Scale Cortical Networks Predicts Perception. Neuron 69: 387-396
Commentary: Singer W (2011) Dynamic Formation of Functional Networks by Synchronization. Neuron 69: 191-193
Research Highlight: Welberg L (2011) Oscillations: Networking improves performance. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 12: 121
Siegel M and Donner TH (2010) Linking band-limited cortical activity to fMRI and behavior. In: M Ullsperger and S Debener (Edt.) Simultaneous EEG and fMRI: Recording, Analysis, and Application. Oxford University Press
Siegel M, Warden MR and Miller EK (2009) Phase-Dependent Neuronal Coding of Objects in Short-Term Memory. PNAS 106(50): 21341–21346
Commentary: Vogel EK and Fukuda K(2009) In mind and out of phase. PNAS 106: 21017–21018
Donner TH, Siegel M, Fries P and Engel AK (2009) Build-up of choice-predictive activity in human motor cortex during perceptual decision-making. Current Biology 19:1581-1585
Commentary: Gross J and Ploner M(2009) Perceptual Decisions: From Sensory Signals to Behavior. Current Biology 19: R847-R849
Siegel M, Donner TH, Oostenveld R, Fries P and Engel AK (2008) Neuronal Synchronization along the Dorsal Visual Pathway Reflects the Focus of Spatial Attention. Neuron 60: 709-719
Debener S, Ullsperger M, Siegel M and Engel AK (2007) Towards single-trial analysis in cognitive brain research. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11(12): 502-503
Response to: Bledowski C, Linden DE and Wibral M (2007) Combining electrophysiology and functional imaging – different methods for different questions. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11(12): 500-502
Donner TH, Siegel M, R Oostenveld, P Fries and Engel AK (2007) Population Activity in the Human Dorsal Pathway Predicts the Accuracy of Visual Motion Detection. Journal of Neurophysiology: 98: 345-359
Schmidt GN, Scharein E, Siegel M, Müller J, Debener S, Nitzschke R, Engel AK and Bischoff P (2007) Identification of sensory blockade by somatosensory and pain induced evoked potentials. Anesthesiology 106(4):707-714
Siegel M, Donner TH, Oostenveld R, Fries P and Engel AK (2007) High-Frequency Activity in Human Visual Cortex Is Modulated by Visual Motion Strength. Cerebral Cortex 17:732--741
Debener S, Ullsperger M, Siegel M and Engel AK (2006) Single-trial EEG/fRMI reveals the dynamics of cognitive function. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10(12): 558-563
Debener S, Ullsperger M, Siegel M, Fiehler K, von Cramon DY and Engel AK (2005) Trial-by-trial coupling of concurrent electroencephalogram and functional magnetic resonance imaging identifies the dynamics of performance monitoring. Journal of Neuroscience 25: 11730-7.
Siegel M and König P (2003) A functional Gamma-Band Defined by Stimulus-Dependent Synchronization in Area 18 of Awake Behaving Cats. Journal of Neuroscience 23: 4251-4260.
Siegel M, Körding KP, König P (2000) Integrating top-down and bottom-up sensory processing by somato-dendritic interactions. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 8:161-173.